鮮魚の味わい方魚屋さんとの会話術Conversation with a fishmonger

対面販売の魚屋さんでは、新鮮な魚を選ぶアドバイスを得られます。その魚に適した料理方法も聞くことができ、下ごしらえも頼めるのが最大の特長です。魚屋さんと上手に会話して良い買い物をしましょう。 Face-to-face fishmongers can give you advice on choosing fresh fish. The biggest feature is that you can hear the cooking method suitable for the fish and ask for preparation. Let's talk well with the fishmonger and make a good purchase.

まずは遠慮なく質問を!Don't hesitate to ask a question!

「この魚、どうやって食べるの?」と魚屋さんに聞いていただくのが一番です。聞いていただけさえすれば、その時お店にある魚で良い状態のものを予算に合わせてご提供することができます。 It is best to ask the fish shop, "How should I eat this fish?" If you just ask, we can offer the fish in the store in good condition at that time according to your budget.


お客様が魚の食べ方を知らないのは無理もありません。同じ魚でも、季節で味が違います。春・夏・秋・冬。最低でも4種類あるのです。漁法も大きく見て3種類です。釣り、定置網、底曳網です。同じ漁法でも、日帰り、1日漁など、獲り方のバリエーションは無数。獲り方で味が魚の状態が変わります。No wonder customers don't know how to eat fish. Even the same fish tastes different depending on the season. Spring / summer / autumn / winter. There are three types of fishing methods. Fishing, fixed net, bottom towing net. The taste of the fish changes depending on how it is caught. Even with the same fishing method, there are innumerable variations in fishing methods such as day trips and one-day fishing. The taste of the fish changes depending on how it is caught.

日本には漁場が7つあり、漁場によって脂の乗り方や産卵期も違う。最後に雄と雌。これを掛け合わせると、4×3×7×2で、同じ魚でも168種類の味があるのです。何十年料理をしている人でも知らないことはたくさんあるのが当然だと言えます。There are 7 fishing grounds in Japan, and the way of riding fat and the spawning season differ depending on the fishing grounds. Finally male and female. When multiplied by this, it is 4x3x7x2, the same fish has 168 different flavors. It's no wonder that even people who have been cooking for decades don't know much.

だからまずは魚屋さんに「今日はどの魚が良い?」「この魚、どうやって食べたらいい?」と話しかけてください。何度か通えば、「この間の魚は美味しかった! 今日はお刺身が食べたいな」と希望を伝えることもできるでしょう。So, first talk to the fishmonger, "Which fish is better today?" "How should I eat this fish?" If you go there several times, you will be able to convey your hope, "The fish the other day was delicious! I want to eat sashimi today."

常連さんになれば、思わずサプライズなこともあるかもしれませんよ!?If you become a regular customer, you may get a surprise proposal!?